domingo, 7 de abril de 2013


-Transparency is the effect of a body that is left to be traversed by the light. So we can understand what transparency means in the dictionary.

More write what I want to start talking about this word? Transparency is something important? The desire to write on this topic was caused by two reasons: first because you think interesting to discuss the issue of transparency of a common form of this word is so connected to truth, safety, awareness and authenticity, and second to have had a chat with a friend special that gave me an inside on the subject.

  In speaking of this subject bring the analogy to the glass of a car window. The glass needs to be transparent so we can see what's ahead of us. However due to insecurity created films that was glued onto the glasses darken it, so you can not see what's inside. Many people also do it because they see something unsafe in its truth ... but as my mother said should not fear those who do not .. hahaha.

  The truth is! we are afraid of being who we are! This transparency and vc be the same without that insecurity will find! Transparency and linked the truth as this free of others' opinions, so incapable of lying to please! It conveys safety because as we let the light through which we can see all this in! A clear conscience sleeps in peace because it fears that the events are discovered!

  We have to be authentic, therefore, be transparent, a lot of people hiding from the light, living in darkness and fear, insecure and without peace, not only are the staff of the twilight saga ... this was a quality of Jesus Christ. was well .. until death .... not changed what it was to live, also no secret that would stop the cross ... the transparent look into the eyes and has no download because the view ... unless you not tropicar street kkk.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

First step to Evangelize !!!

To evangelize is first of all necessary to fill the love of God, because then you can also give this love!
 how can I help the hungry, if you do not have to love the water?
 How can I offer something, I do not have?
 So the first thing to do is empty and to be filled of Divine Mercy!
 Oh yes you can leave the field to evangelize!

quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2013

Spiritualism denies at least 40 truths of the Christian faith:

Beyond the grave "evocation of the dead" and the belief in "reincarnation" Spiritualism ..

1 - Denies the mystery, and teaches everything that can be understood and explained.

2 - He denies the divine inspiration of the Bible.

3 - Denies miracle.

4 - denies the authority of the Magisterium of the Church.

5 - He denies the infallibility of the Pope.

6 - Denies the divine institution of the Church.

7 - denies the sufficiency of Revelation.

8 - Denies the mystery of the Trinity.

9 - Denies the existence of a personal God and distinct from the world.

10 - He denies the freedom of God.

11 - Nega creation from nothing.

12 - Denies the creation of the human soul by God.

13 - Nega creating the human body.

14 - Denies the substantial union between body and soul.

15 - Denies the spirituality of the soul.

16 - He denies the unity of mankind.

17 - Denies the existence of angels.

18 - Denies the existence of demons.

19 - He denies the divinity of Jesus.

20 - Denies Christ's miracles.

21 - He denies the humanity of Christ.

22 - Nega dogmas of Our Lady (Immaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumption, divine Motherhood).

23 - Nega our Redemption by Christ (is the worst!).

24 - Nega original sin.

25 - Nega divine grace.

26 - Denies the possibility of forgiveness of sins.

27 - Negates the value of the ascetic and contemplative life.

28 - Denies all Christian doctrine of the supernatural.

29 - Negates the value of the Sacraments.

30 - Denies the redemptive efficacy of Baptism.

31 - He denies the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

32 - Negates the value of Confession.

33 - He denies the indissolubility of marriage.

34 - He denies the uniqueness of life on earth.

35 - Denies particular judgment after death.

36 - Denies the existence of Purgatory.

37 - Denies the existence of Heaven

38 - He denies the existence of Hell.

39 - He denies the resurrection of the flesh.

40 - Nega doomsday.